Links to documents: 2016
An invoice for some of the out of pocket costs I invested into our home at 1900 Lakeshore Lodi
1900 Lakeshore
01-01-16 A New Year at the WCAB Building
Date of appointment call 9/28/15 wrong proof of service 1/4/16 Date of appointment 1/18/16 at 3:30 pm Using wrong mail address 2 N Avena, Lodi. Current address is 1900 Lakeshore Dr, Lodi.
01-04-16 letter to Tabaddor was returned
01-04-16 Anderson cancel Re eval w:Tabaddor 011916 4pgs
01-04-16 Tiffany WCAB Filing for Status Hearing
01-04-16 QME Appiontment for Tabaddor
01-05-16 Request to inspect and copy employee file
01-05-16 AIMS Request for Reply
01-05-16 Request for Records ARS Whittier
01-05-16 QME Micheal Bronshvag, M.D. request blood panel
01-06-16_Reciept For Mailing Docs
01-06-16 Medfocus Appointment notice STK MRI referal Bronshvag 3 pgs
QME Branshvag ordered the body and brain scans
01-06-16 Medfocus Appointment notice STK MRI referral Bronshvag 3 pgs
01-07-16 Order Compelling Attendance
DoTerra loyalty rewards order. What I have used to detoxify and heal my body from the chemicals and carcinogens exposed to me during course of employment.
01-11-16 Labor Standards Enforcement
01-11-16 Medfocus MRI consent 4 pgs
01-12-16 Notice of Hearing WCAB
01-14-16 by Tiffany Anderson to WCAB
01-14-16 sick in bed flu fever
01-15-16 sick in bed flu fever
01-16-16 MRI Brain
01-18-16 Medfocus Reminder Letter for Jan 25 Exam
01-19-16 Tiffany Filed WCAB change of address Lakeshore Jackson
01-19-16 AIMS Letter In Reply to Jan 5 Letter
01-19-16 Jackson Lewis backing out
01-20-16_Mosquito District Envelope
01-20-16_Mosquito District Letter Regarding Personnel File Access
01-20-16_Stockwell Harris Letter to Dr Bronshvag
01-20-16_Stockwell Harris Letter to Tiffany
01-22-16_TA REsponse To Jackson Lewis Objection
In Memory of Dr. Cano
01-25-16 Valley Stockton MRI
01-25-16 Reply to Stockwell Harris Regarding Delay In Producing Documents
01-26-16 Letter to WCAB Judge Webber With Attachments
01-27-16 Letter to ARS Asking For Copy of Retention Policy
01-27-16_Letter to Sara Skolnik Requesting to Review Files
01-28-16 Tom Beard Release WCAB Records
01-28-16 Tiffany Anderson to Chris Eley
01-30-16 Letter to Tori Salazar
01-30-16 Records Request Response Dameron
02-01-16 Letter To QME Exposure Evaluator
Activist Erin Brockovich, right, talks with water treatment expert Robert W. Bowcock from Integrated Resource Management Inc., during a town hall meeting at San Joaquin Delta College’s Atherton Auditorium in Stockton on the discussion of adding chloramines to Stockton’s drinking water. Clifford Oto The Record
Meeting Erin Brockovich and Robert W. Bowcock at Delta College after the debate
02-02-16 Tabaddor Questionnaire Plus Requests for May 9 Re-Exam 1
02-02-16 Stockwell WCAB Rescheduled QME Tabaddor 50916 3 pgs
02-03-16 QME Michael Bronshvag 4 26 16
02-05-16 Anderson Intake Questionnaire completed for Tabaddor 23 pgs
02-05-16_Letter to California State Auditor
02-05-16 Petitioning Governor Jerry Brown
02-08-16 Chris Eley’s Office 221Tuexedo
02-10-16 Exam Works Letter re examination Opposing Party Stockwell AIMS
02-10-16 Email to Governor Brown
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 1
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 2
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 3
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 4
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 5
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 6
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 7
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 8
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 9
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 10
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 11
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 12
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 13
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 14
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 15
02-12-16 DWC Employee claims FOIA 16
02-15-16 Stockwell to Anderson re eval 042616 2 pgs
02-16-16 QME 180 min on Med Legal Supplement report 750
02-18-16 Stockwell WCAB petition to compel Tabaddor 050916 video 16 pgs
02-18-16 SJ County DA Fraud Division Unit Sudha Rajender Deputy DA
02-18-16 State Auditor CA letter
02-23-16 Stockwell WCAB order compelling applicant attendance PQME 5:9:16 ELEY JACKSON served 9 pgs
02-26-16 Tiffany Letter to QME Bronshvag Sara states irrelevant facts 4 pgs
The file below is 16 pages, please click link to view
03-01-16 QME DWC Complaint Form Thomas Allems
03-01-16 QME DWC Form 123 Tabaddor
03-03-16 DOSH William Estakhri

03-09-16 Sig Wynne-Evans Cal:OSHA consent release
03-14-16 Barack Obama’s Response US Dept of Labor Office of Workers Comp Programs

03-16-16 TA Re Conflict of Interest Policy
03-16-16 Anderson Letter Board of Trustees Conflicts of Interest disclosures 5 pgs
03-18-16 Stockwell Proposed cover letter for Bronshvag re-evaluate 04:26:16 11 pgs
03-21-16 John spent week working for Jane without asking or telling me
03-21-16 WCAB Minutes Tabaddor sanctions video
03-22-16 Migraine headache
03-23-16 1900 Lakeshore John:Eley
03-23-16 Letter by Eley wrong address 1900 lakeshore 5 pgs
03-23-16 Tiffany filed WCAB QME Disability Questionnaire 2 pgs
03-24-16 Psyche Evaluation by Benjamin Carey who flew in from Virginia when I arrived the realized that I was not provided a questionnaire I was not offered the opportunity to complete it. He gave me a written test it was long. He asked me if I could return the following day to complete the evaluation.
03-25-16 Return to Psych Evaluation with Benjamin Carey after the two day of the evaluation I came home and was severely depressed, crying in my sleep and
03-30-16 DWC QME Allems Complaint Number 2016-51119 Medical Unit
04-04-16 Stockwell re Tiffany’s Letter to QME Bronshvag states content inappropriate 2 pgs
04-04-16 Stockwell re Tiffany’s Letter to QME Bronshvag states content irrelevant 6 pgs
04-05-16 WCAB Filing by Skolnik of Stockwell Harris
04-08-16 Stockwell Agreed Medical Examiner Re-Evaluation 4:26:16 Bronshvag 7 pgs

04-12-16 Eley Letter not signed 5 pgs
04-19-16 Eley Letter to Anderson lakeshore 7pgs
04-20-16 Letter from DIV WCAB Tabaddor Complaint Case Number 201-51168 1

04-25-16 (NPDES) Pesticide Discharge Application CAG 990004 Eddie Lucchesi

05-09-16 WCAB Filed ny Atkinson Baker QME videographer Tabaddor

05-11-16 QME Investigation Re Tabaddor TA to QME Unit
05-11-16 WCAB TA to Judge Webber Tabaddor Satisfied Reinstate Benefits
05-12-16 QMEMicheal Bronshvag Internal Medicine Eval #2
05-16-16 Stockwell to Briggs authorize video to applicant
05-18-16 Bronshvag Blood Panel
05-20-16 WCAB Notice of Intention to Lift Suspension Judge Weber
On May 26, 2016, at 11:41 AM, Tiffany Anderson <> wrote: Adam-I am leaving town today for the holiday. I would like to hand my claims over to you. If you lost interest please let me know, or let me know where we go from here. My week is wide open as of June 1. I have replied to your email. I have left 1 message with your Stockton office. Communications may have been confused through emails. SO today is May 26, 2016 11:36 am and I am interested in your services. Tiffany Anderson
On May 26, 2016, at 12:03 PM, Adam Stewart <> wrote:
Hi Tiffany I am leaving on June 2 until the 20th for Italy one question the defense attorney had is whether you would resolve all the claims for $100,000 including the labor claims I do not have a handle on your case and I have no idea what additional claims were filed before I agree to step in on this please understand I would be doing this to resolve this and put this behind you and your life I can chat with you on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
Adam J. Stewart
From: Tiffany Anderson <> Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 4:18 PM To: Adam Stewart <> Subject: Re: Let’s do this Adam-What defense attorney did you speak to and when? When you say chat are you suggesting a appointment in person or a phone call? I will not make any decisions out of duress or to move on. I want to know the full compensable value of my claims. If you are in a hurry to leave town on vacation I think it best we meet in person when you return if you have any interest. Adam, I don’t need any favors. I want to be fully compensated for the damages I have incurred. If you speak to them again tell them $2,500,000. Free and clear no taxes and they pay all legal costs. Sincerely, Tiffany Anderson
05-26-16 Jake Bridgewater Delta College Graduation I couldnt do it
06-02-16 Invoice For out of pocket copy of Tabaddor video 5/19/16 $75.
06-03-12 Friday I have an appointment with the accountant and I want you with me. How do you feel about driving to Modesto to pick up my packet from OSHA?
06-06-16 Tabaddor Report filed WCAB 14 pgs
06-06-16 Tabaddor QME Re-Evaluation Video report 86351-11
“Gotcha Tiff. But remember that no one is truly alone — you’ve got God and his followers. I like your “keep on keeping on” heading. When we get our priorities straight, that’s a respectable path. YOU have a good week and we’ll see each other in July. When you are feeling lower than low, just remember that everything is up from sea level. Things will get better..”
06-30-16 Stockwell etal v Anderson Intentional lying by Sara Skolnik
07-01-16 Anderson to QME Bronshvog 3 pgs

Tiffany’s responsibility to close two trusts
1920 Tienda Drive
Suite 101
Lodi, Ca 95242
Ph 209.333.8488
Fax 209.339.8631

07-18-16 Stockwell WCAB filing complaint of my behavior
07-18-16 Stockwell Harris WCAB Proof of Service
07-18-16 Stockwell Letter Part 2 PQME Re-Examination Appointment Letter
07-18-16 Stockwell WCAB Status Conference Petition to sanctions re PQME Tabaddor
07-19-16 QME Tabaddor writing AIMS a reminder of 9:12:16 excess billing
07-19-16 WCAB Notice of Hearing 5 pgs
07-20-16 Stockwell Helphrey Petition To Compel Re-Eval Tabaddor 9 12 16
07-20-16 Stockwell to judge a status conference set 9:12:16 moved lakeshore to acampo
07-21-16 Stockwell WCAB good cause attend Part II of Re-Evaluation PQME Tabaddor
07-22-16 WCAB Notice of Rescheduled Hearing
07-29-16 Lodi Memorial Hospital ER
I am forced to move. I have no family. I have no support system. I am at a limited monthly income and in need of medical care. However the 911 ER call and transport resulted in health care by the county for the first time since it was cancelled in 2011 by my employer