These manuals and pamphlets came from Skip’s files. The first time I saw these training manuals and files were when I went through his files after he passed away.
Links to documents:
72_Trouble Swarms for California Bees
74_WeedSpeciesDistributionIn DairyManure
75_Adult Mosquito Identification
76_Medic First Aid Emergency Care
77_PesticideAppli&SafetyTrainingforApplicators_CAMosq&VectorControlAssoc_Tiffany’s Test
78_Biology&ControlofMosq._CA_Mosq&VectorControlAsoc_Tiffany’s Test
80_Reasonable steps can be taken to prevent sexual harassment complaints
87_Western Equine Encephalitis
88_Facts About Plague In California
90_Facts About Lyme Disease in California
91_Facts About Hanta Virus in California
98_Yellow Jackets of California
100_Yellow Jackets of California
101_The Western Treehole Mosquito
102_Preparandose Para Las Abejas Africanizadas
103_Preparing for Africanized Honey Bees
104_Bee Smart! A children’s guide to Africanized Bees
105_Prevent Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome