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State Water Resources Control Board
Division of Water Quality
NPDES Unit, 15th Floor
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
According to the Sixth Circuit Court Ruling on National Cotton Council of America v. U.S. EPA (553 F.3d 927 (6th Cir., 2009)), the application of pesticides at, near, or over waters of the United States that results in discharges of pollutants requires coverage under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. In response to the Sixth Circuit Court’s decisions and previous decisions by other courts on pesticide regulation, the State Water Board has adopted four Pesticide Permits.
Links to documents:
11-21-00 NPDES SJCM&VCD Cooperative
07-20-04 NPDES SJCM&VCD Cooperative
03-11-07 NPDES White Slough NOR5-2007-0113
10-23-08 NPDES SJCM&VCD Cooperative
03-18-09 Sac Yolo BOT Financial Statement NPDES
11-18-10 NPDES SJCM&VCD Cooperative Agreement
03-01-11 NPDES Permit for Vector
03-04-11 MVCAC Monitoring Plan For Larviciding and Adulticiding
07-15-11 (NPDES) Pesticide Discharge Application CAG 990004 John Stroh
08-30-11 Comment_Ltr_Sac-Yolo_MVCD_FB
10-21-11_Pesticides Application Plan for NPDES Application SJCMVCD
11-07-11 MVCAC JVP crying about money to NPDES_Permit_Press_Release
11-01-11 Vector NPDES State Water Resources Control Board Public Hearing steven_edmondson
11-07-11 MVCAC JVP crying about money to NPDES_Permit_Press_Release
12-15-11 Stroh Receives the 2011 MVCAC Meritorious Service Award
04-03-12 NPDES Discharge Permit
02-21-13 Re 2012 Annual (NPDES) Report Permit CA990004
02-22-13 MVCAC NPDES Permit Coalition_2012
11-08-13 Aquatic Pesticide Discharge Permit
02-21-14 MVCAC Board-Meeting-Agenda-Packet
02-28-14 MVCAC NPDES Permit Coalition
05-01-14 Application to State Water Aquatics Copper
06-14-15 NPDES White Slough Request
02-23-16 weed_permit_amend_attachment_a_022316
Draft Vector Control Permit Reissuance Response to Comments 03-01-16 NPDES
Scientific Name | Gambusia affinis |
Common Name(s) | Mosquitofish, Mosquito fish |
Origin | Mississippi River Basin; Illinois, Indiana |
Temperature Range | 68-82°F |
pH Range | 6.5-8.0 |
Adult Size | 3in |
Diet | Omnivore; mosquito larvae, other live food |
Mosquitofish Facts:
1. They are nicknamed ‘Mosquito-fish’ because their diet is mostly mosquito larvae.
2. Their Latin name ‘Gambusia’ means useless.
3. Female Mosquitofish can consume as much as 150% of their own body weight in mosquito larvae in one day.
Scientific Name | Gambusia affinis |
Common Name(s) | Mosquitofish, Mosquito fish |
Origin | Mississippi River Basin; Illinois, Indiana |
Temperature Range | 68-82°F |
pH Range | 6.5-8.0 |
Adult Size | 3in |
Diet | Omnivore; mosquito larvae, other live food |
Mosquitofish Facts:
1. They are nicknamed ‘Mosquito-fish’ because their diet is mostly mosquito larvae.
2. Their Latin name ‘Gambusia’ means useless.
3. Female Mosquitofish can consume as much as 150% of their own body weight in mosquito larvae in one day.
Mosquitofish can be useful when kept as pets in your own man-made freshwater pond by eating algae, other vegetation and insect larvae and keep the pond looking nice.
They should not however be released from your pond or aquarium into the wild. They can detrimentally affect natural ecosystems.
Mosquitofish should NOT be put in new ponds (especially concrete ponds) as concrete leeches lime and that will make Mosquitofish sick (by altering the pH of the water).
The Mosquito Fish requires at least 20 gallons with moderate water temperature and plant life for hiding from predators like possums, cats and bird
Other Vector Agencies NPDES Permits to compare