Links to documents:
I was renting a room and living in the home of my cousin MaryJean Parvin, due to work events resulting in three knee surgeries leaving me challenged since 2010 when I moved in.
My cousin MaryJean was in the care of Arbor Rehab who wanted to return her to her home the day I was leaving town to take my mother to UCSF for 4 days for testing in August of 2014.
My cousin Barbara Amburn met me at Arbor to inform the social worker Hady that MaryJean was not capable of going home. I was unable to care for her and under tremendous stress. We agreed to move MaryJean into their assisted living facility a simulated apartment on their premises. Within 6 hours MaryJean was admitted back to Lodi Memorial Hospital after falling in her new assisted living home, the very business that said she was well enough to return home alone. Thank you Barbara
Below are the records of my responsibility to MaryJean’s needs, my terminal mother, my ex husband’s legal issues subpoenaed me to testify as a witness, and my own hardships.
My employer and their crooked law firms Stockwell Harris, Chris Eley, AIMS, Jackson Lewis, Blanning & Baker, ERMA Risk Management, Daniel Quinn et. al, forced me into intentional duress with their lawyers who tag teamed me, with all the tricks they could burying me in documents that never complied with the records I requested like my employee personnel records that are required by law to date they won’t they are incriminating so they had to lose them.
My mom and MaryJean both died by the end of this year. The cops were sent to my home once by vector and once by Arbor Rehabilitation. This is where I lost my right to sue that ´expired while they ran the clock out with games. I inherited the home in Avena but it was going into foreclosure. I lost family, my home, my right to sue and they are all participants in intentional acts of emotional and physical infliction to my person and my family.
When you think Mosquito & Vector think lawyers, corruption and conspiracy!
07-01-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-01-14 Invoice for Hyatt Mom UCSF
07-01-14 My Ex Husband’s Legal
July 1, 2014 My scalp with lesions
This check was sent to Tiffany Anderson in an envelope from the law firm Stockwell Harris in Sacramento on July 2, 2014.
The multi-colored check is for an account in the name of the Vector-JPA, but Administered By: Acclamation Insurance Management Services. The Vector- JPA is an association of a few dozen California mosquito districts who have pooled their money together in an effort to better protect themselves by leveraging lower rates on their workers compensation coverage. They also invest their money together, but that is a different topic. AIMS has been given cut-checking power over monies collected from mosquito districts from around California.
This check was sent by Stockwell, Harris compensating me for an appointment with QME Thomas Allems for my June 29, 2011 exposure claims filed denied by the defense. The defense expected me to be seen by this doctor with no medical evidence provided after Eric Helphrey subpoenaed all my records he intentionally withheld his findings. A background search provided evidence that the Eric Helphrey the lead defense and Thomas Allems MD the Expert Medical Examiner shared a relationship.
The defense made me motion for a trial before they dismissed Allems. Sara and I were ready to appear before the judge instead of a trial which she motioned for to keep Allems, she agreed to dismiss Allems with Bronshvag. Stall tactics for 3 years before a QME.
Pay attention how the defense has intentionally stalled by non production of records from 2011 to date while watching the series of events leveraging my
Everything you witness below was done intentionally to harm to me and my family leveraging my life’s demands against me denying claims to save money committing fraud
07-02-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-02-14 Mom UCSF Parking Citation
07-03-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-04-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
7-04-14 UCSF the last 4th with mom
07-05-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-06-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-07-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-07-14 Homegoing Service for Loretta Jefferies-Moore –
07-08-14 Subpoena To Appear Kings County Court
07-08-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-09-14 CPRA Request to Eddie Lucchesi
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 2_Vendor Payments Jackson Lewis
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 1_Vendor Payments Blanning & Baker
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 3_Board and Mgmt. Conferences
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 4_Employees to Blanning & Baker
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 5_Vendor Payments Bickmore
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 6_Claims Cost Summary as of 05:01:14
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 7_Vendor Payments Stockwell Harris
- 09-29-14 FOIA Reply 8_Vendor Payments Eley
07-09-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-10-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
07-10-14 Stockwell Tabaddor for 10-13-14
07-10-14 Tabaddor QME bring my objections
07-10-14 Arbor Admission Forced to sign under duress MJP 1
07-10-14 Discharge Report Ran July 20 Lodi Memorial Care MaryJean’s Medical Services
07-11-14 Loretta Moore’s Funeral
07-13-14 Arbor Place Assisted Living Admissions
07-14-14 MaryJean Arbor Place billed to Tiffany
July 15, 2014 Tiffany Anderson email to John Sales very angry for all the lies that continue to surface while my mom and MaryJean are dying
07-16-14 MVCAC NPDES Coalition PAP
07-17-14 Mom in ER I can’t come:LPD sent by Arbor
07-17-14 Mom UCSF Medical Center – Itinerary
07-17-14 Mom-UCSf Medical Center Map
7-17-14 Moms Medical Tests UCSF
I take my mother to USCF with her sister Gloria and my friend Loretta. MaryJean has to stay at care mom who was wanting to send her home alone. MaryJean fell a few Hours after we upgraded her to an assisted apartment with staff. She fell day one and was transferred back to Lodi Memorial. And her mortgage is defaulting.
07-18-14 Stephanie Ebel Letter From UCSF Medical Center
07-22-14 Letter House of Representatives
07-23-14 me at 12.34 PM
Tuesday July 27 Board Of Trustees Meeting 1 pm Antonio attended
07-28-14 John Stroh & Eddie Fraud MRF Receiving 38K From District
Manager John Stroh retired when the Grand Jury released their findings. Eddie Lucchesi the assistant manager was promoted to Manager and the two started the ponzi scheme below to hide money. The first donation to their non profit was my annual income. Fitting since I was fired at this time
07-28-14 John Stroh & Eddie Fraud MRF Receiving 38K From District
Defense Produces Records Not Complete
07-29-14 Kamala Harris to TA Whistleblower
07-29-14 Lodi Memorial Laboratory MJP
07-30-14 SJCM&VCD Monthly Budget
08-05-14 MaryJean’s in law – Tiffany Received Card From Mavis Tewell
08-05-14 FIOA West Nile Virus CPRA
August 5, 2014 Defense Discovery Reply
- Timesheets *
- Medical File *
- Time Off Sheets Blue Sheets *
- Material Data Sheets
- Subpoenaed Records of Dameron Occupational Health Services *
Defense perjured themselves on Proof of Service stating that the foregoing is true and correct. All productions of records were incomplete, falsified or not provided at all. None of these records were provided to Qualified Medical Experts who determine if my injuries were in fact real and determines a ratio of proportionate for legal purposes in translation its a insurance fraud system
08-06-14 TA requests a family meeting for MJP
08-08-14 Public Records Request West Nile Virus
When I returned from UCSF with my mom from my second trip alone I called a family meeting regarding MaryJean’s neglect in care. I was being accused by both my mother’s family and my father’s for not doing enough for either one, I was told I was a loser who needed a job and a life by my family.
To date I have either. A job or a life. (2018)
No one stepped up to care for MaryJean or my mom. On this day I placed MaryJean on hospice and began personal boundaries to reverse the neglect my body had suffered for my sacrifices.
08-12-14 Admission Service Agreement Community Hospice MaryJean
08-14-14 MaryJean placed on hospice care
08-14-14 MaryJean placed on hospice care 2
08-15-14 Taxpayers – Mosquito Research Foundation John Stroh is treasurer and Eddie heavily funds this scam Taxpayers – Mosquito Foundation John Stroh
08-15-14 Letter To Skolnik Requesting Discovery
Becky Armstrong, Eddie Ojeda, Antonio and I attended the vector board of trustees meeting. The meetings are monthly at 1:00 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month. I read the letter out loud to the public along with the settlement for demand letter. Both below:
08-19-14 Handed to Trustees in person on this date
WCAB Hearing, Counseling with Grizz Waters, Massage with Daniel at 6 pm Carol Hopkins pounds on my door and when I opened it she was yelling at me Vicki killed herself and she took off. Daniel was standing there watching as a doubled over and fell to my knees. That day was perfect until 6 pm.
“But even perfect days can end in rain
And though it’s pouring down, I see You through the clouds shining on my face” Francesca Battistelli Beautiful, Beautiful reminds me of this day every time I hear it.
08-26-14 Grizz counseling Vicki Bridgewaters death
August 26, 2014 The day Vickie Bridgewater supervisor Duane’s wife committed suicide 4 years after her husband. This left their 21 year old son with no parents, health care and no compensation. (See Jakes story)
08-28-14 5 pgs Hearing Minutes Status Conference Notice
08-28-14 Stockwell Sarah states she is serving me materials that I put together from my file
08-28-14 Stockwell-Harris-Unsigned-Notice-of-Status-Conference-Hearing-for-9-12-14
08-29-14 Email-to-Skolnik-Funeral-Conflicts-With-9-12-14-Conference
08-31-14 Traffic Court Citation 743310 Traffic School
08-31-14 Traffic court Citation 743810
09-02-14 Stockwell-Harris-Proof-of-Service
West Nile Funding
09-04-14 FOIA California Michael Cohen
09-04-14 Pesticide Monitoring Request-Ignored
09-04-14 FIOA CA Regional H2O Quality Control Board
09-07-14 Notes – Monies Pd to Wilbur-Ellis in 2014 2013
09-08-14 Reply to Request from Water Board
09-08-14 Appraisal for Avena Jimmy, Mary, Rehab & Cops
09-09-14 1 of Vectors Law Firms Bickmore Risk CWC & Risk Conference:Charity Golf Tournament
09-10-14 Letter California State Senate
09-12-14 FOIA Request Stockwell Incomplete Discovery
- 09-14-14 Stockwell.Response#1
- 09-14-14 Stockwell.Response#2
- Denied Records
- Denied Records
- Denied Records
- 09-14-14 Stockwell.Response#6
- Denied Records
- 09-14-14 Stockwell.Response#9
- 09-14-14 Stockwell Response #10
- Agricultural-And-Municipal-Wastewater-Handbook-Required Work Content 129 pages
My aunt and cousins don’t understand why I am not working, doing more for my mom and what is wrong with me so they are hostile towards me. I show up unexpected with Eddie and see they were having a fundraiser for my mom who lives in Lodi where they lived in Reno.
It hurt my feelings to see that I was not told about things that involved my mom with my family. After all I was paying for the travel and lodging expenses and taking her to as many appointments as I was capable of.
My intentions were to ask my aunt and cousins to take care of grandma Molly because my mom was too sick and she was taking care of their blind mom who was verbally abusive and sometimes physical. I was met with harsh judgement and a no.
You ruined my family Stockwell non production of records while weaponizing my losses to gain leverage from my injuries.
My cousin 02-23-12 Cousin Charlie Berry Obituary
MaryJeans Accounts 2010-2014.png
09-16-14 Complaint filed with Cathleen Galgiani State Senator
09-16-14 Settlement Demand Offer By Tiffany
09-17-14 Stephanie Ebel UCSF Medical Center Seeking $ Contribution
09-18-14 Tabaddor Appt. Reminder 0909-14-14 Stockwell.Response#1 09-14-14 Stockwell.Response#2
09-19-14 TA to Stockwell Request access to my fileat next hearing (denied)
09-19-14 Lodi Fire Records Request
09-22-14 To Arbor by Tiffany Anderson Police harassment See restraining order here
09-25-14 MJP Advocacy Request 1)Physical Therapy 2) Chaplain 3) Taken off of Psych meds
09-25-14 Stephanie Ebel UCSF Imaging Center Appt Letter for 9-30-14
09-29-14 district FOIA charges
09-29-14 FOIA Reply 1_Vendor Payments Blanning & Baker
09-29-14 FOIA Reply 2_Vendor Payments Jackson Lewis
09-29-14 FOIA Reply 3_Board and Mgmt. Conferences
09-29-14 FOIA Reply 4_Employees to Blanning & Baker
09-29-14_FOIA Reply 5_Vendor Payments Bickmore
09-29-14_FOIA Reply 6_Claims Cost Summary as of 05-01-14
09-29-14_FOIA Reply 7_Vendor Payments Stockwell Harris
09-29-14_FOIA Reply 8_Vendor Payments Eley
10-01-14 to Stockwell need docs
10-1-14 Kyle Hanson to TA Regarding Hearing on 10-26-11
10-02-14 Lodi Fire Department Records Request
10-06-14 Ruling & Clarification of issues WCAB
10-07-14 From Judge McGill very disappointed
10-07-14 to Stockwell produce docs
10-07-14 Email from applicant claiming duress and refusing to appear at conference
10-09-14 Response from McGill to Anderson on qme and not appearing
10-10-14 Email-Confirmation-From-Dr-Tabaddors-Office-for-10-13-14
10-11-14_Stephanie Ebel Silver Script Monthly Prescription Summary – envelope was unopened
10-12-14 Evidence handed to me at WCAB by Stockwell
I purchased Hall N Oats concert tickets. John and I made a date to attend. From the time we drove away from Lodi and through the evening John was cold. He backed into a vehicle with my Mustang while parking prior to the concert beginning. After the concert John immediately turned his back to me and went to sleep alone in one of the two queens in the room.
I am very insecure and there was no reason for the rejection and neglect I was receiving. His wife and family went to take his grandson to college in San Diego and I was paying for his absence.
I took his iPhone and plugged it into my macbook laptop. I apparently changed his password and bi-passed his calls to my laptop. I did not realize this until we arrived home.
John locked me out of my phone and changed my password to. John told me he watched me. I wonder why he never thought to ask me to stop and calm my insecurities. Instead I took John to his moms house and I went home to Avena both of us locked out of our phones.
John’s calls began coming through my laptop. Jane and John had been communicating during our concert. Jane thought she was texting John and instead it was me. I told her I wanted to get back together with her and made plans to meet at her home when she got back from San Diego. And that is what a couple that lies and steals from clients get. They both filed restraining orders. I also said something to the effect of “I say never fuck your customers”.
10-16-14 Hall N Oates Saratoga Winery Tickets $1162.20 Damages
10-16-14 AAA John Sales Mustang Damages

10-20-14 John Sales Restraining Order
10-21-14 Janes-Sales-Restraining-Order
10-22-14 Stephanie Ebel Pulmonary Rehab Christmas Dinner Party Invitation for 12-11-14
The ultimate price I paid for retaining the Services of Sales Construction
10-22-14 Sales-Construction-Johns-Restraining-Order
This is what Sales’s Construction did to MaryJean Parvin
10-23-14 Jane Sales Restraining Order
10-24-14 Stockwell Tabaddor QME Re Appointment for 1-5-15
10-26-14 Tabaddor asks me to leave Compelling Applicants Attendance at PQME Evaluate
10-26-14 Petition to Compel QME Evaluation
10-28-14 WCAB QME Tabaddor 01 Jan 15 Knowing My Mom and Mary Are Dying
2 N Avena Avenue All of our plants died again
10-31-14 John Sales sitting with Ben and KD
11-01-14 Texts from John Sales to Tiffany Anderson
11-01-14 Family-Evaluation-of-Hospice-Care-Form
11-03-14 Arbor scheduled a meeting with county social services regarding MaryJean’s mental capabilities. The appointment was scheduled for 1 p.m. My father and I were in attendance.
Someone removed our signatures from the sign in sheet below
After waiting for a lengthy amount of time I inquired what was happening? I was told the appointment was cancelled although social services did meet with MaryJean without our presence.
It was disturbing the fact that my father and my name was deliberately removed from the sign in book. They were going to say we did not appear on MaryJean’s behalf. They were in the process of taking custody of MaryJean for her assets.
Below is a evidence of what Arbor will do to steal from your family they need to be watched.
11-04-14 Arbor re-scheduled yesterdays meeting with county social services regarding MaryJean’s mental capabilities. Viola Bailey and myself in attendance as evidence below
11-10-14 I brought Becky to Arbor to say good bye to MaryJean
11-17-14 Met with Amy Miranda for lunch then met Century Assembly’s Pastor Mark to discuss John and Jane Sales Construction Practices with Customers claiming John is single when his wife considers them married.
11-17-14 MaryJean on Hospice
11-18-14 Settlement Offer To District
11-19-14 MaryJean on Hospice
I woke up on Friday November 21, 2014 and decided that I would not face John and Jane Sales on this day at Stockton Superior Court as they ordered me to appear before a judge Case Number 39-2014-00317612-CU-HR-STK
MaryJean and I were customers of Sales Construction and a victim of John and Jane Sales. I decided to attend Gravity Morning Fire and let God lead the day. Pastor Hank was delayed on his way from Routan. He was scheduled to speak and weather delayed him.
Pastor Jason taught from the book of Judges chapter 2 So Ironic
After Service Jason, Vince and I went to Arbor and prayed over MaryJean. I stayed and held her hand and she died.
11-21-14 John And Jane’s parking ticket
11-21-14 Death Of Cousin I lived with on Avena MaryJean Parvin
What I did not know or would not fully understand is that John was playing me for the defense. 11-24-14 Eley Reply
11-29-14 Stockwell Harris_RE vaccination records
11-30-14 ICU Doctor’s diagram showing us how my mother is dying. This is the day we are told we will not be attending any more UCSF trips. To get my mother’s affairs in order she is going home to die
12-01-14 Arbor Statement Billing MJP
12-03-14 Tiffany Email Manager Lucchesi I need medical care
12-14-14 Stephanie Ebel Check #625 to Molly Morgan for $697 (hard to read details)
12-15-14 Vector-JPA-Mileage-Check-uncashed
12-16-14 Alpine requests my phone #
12-17-14 Lodi News obituary for MJP just before my mom died
12-17-14 I Camino Real Drive
12-17-14 Tiffany to Grandma and Fred page 1
December 18, 2014 was MaryJean’s funeral I was solely responsible for Executing her Trust and all funeral preparations. Pastor Vince Yorba of Gravity gave a personalized eulogy sharing stories that MaryJean had told him during their visits together at Shirley’s

12-19-14 My mothers obituary
12-19-14 Stephanie Ebel Death Certificate
Appointment scheduled January 5, 2015 opened February 16, 2015
12-24-14 Mom’s Death Certificate and Funeral Date
Stephanie Ebel – Letter from UCSF Medical Center
Stephanie Ebel Budget
Stephanie Ebel CVS Extra Care Health Cards – Undated
12-30-14 Stockwell Compelling Applicants Attendance at PQME Evaluation abuse of the system
12-30-14 Hospice Condolences Stages of Grieving

Here are photos of my skin lesions and rashes while the insurance carrier denies medical care for lack of medical evidence. The evidence is clear the refusal to provide a medical provider to document my symptoms has been stalled since claims were denied in 2011. It’s 2015 and I have yet to be evaluated by a QME for my exposure injuries.
Vector Control Joint Powers Agency