Links to documents:
Employers workers comp defense attorney Kyle Hanson promised to provide requested records and intentionally stalled has not been satisfied to date. Vector Control can not keep records without incriminating themselves.
07-00-13 Expires CA Department of Public Health Vector Control Tech B
My Pesticide License expires
07-01-13 Macias Accounting Report on AIMS for FY 7:12-6:13
Employers Insurance Carrier
07-01-13 Grand Jury Report – The Great Unwatched
Findings from my complaint filed 2009
07-01-13 Parvin Arbor Nursing Center

07-04-13 Parvin Lodi Memorial Hospital RXM Live
07-06-13 MJP Revocation Power of Attorney
07-10-13_SJCERA TKA Release Kaiser Records
07-10-13 Parvin Lodi Memorial Hospital Laboratory Summary
07-11-13 Dr Cano asks me to move with him to the east coast
My science teacher from Humphreys offered to take me away from all the hell I was enduring. I couldn’t leave my mom.
07-11-13 Jeff Sucko out of pocket TA Dr
I was the second medical directive for Shirley and for MaryJean who both had MRSA and C-dif. I became responsible for them both. Below are Shirley’s hospital admit and discharge dates.
07-16-13 Shirley Johnson Tiffany Anderson gets medical files for Lodi Memorial Admits
07-17-13 SJCTA Board of Trustees Health Care
07-19-13 WCAB Notice Of Hearing
07-22-13 WCAB Notice Of Rescheduled Hearing
07-23-13 Mosquito Vector Members Board Committee Fact Sheet
07-25-13 Eddie Lucchesi re my personnel file to SJCERA
07-26-13 KH QME Allems 10-24-13
07-31-13 Parvin Arbor Nursing Center Discharge Inventory Personal Effects
07-31-13 Parvin Arbor Nursing Center Discharge
08-02-13 Stephanie Ebel Rent to Molly Morgan $643
08-05-13 Kaiser Coverage Terminated
08-05-13 Parvin Lodi Memorial Community Clinics
08-09-13 SJCERA Retirement Application

08-15-13 Me and my grandmother who fought over my mom. My grandma and mother needed care and for the first time I couldn’t help them.
08-15-13 Ben, KD, Amanda, Jude and Daniel at mom and grandbo’s
08-15-13 Tiffany files at WCAB denied by district
08-16-13 Murata to CAL PERS Retirement
08-16-13 To Stockwell missing documents
08-19-13 Stockwell-ltr-taking-status-off-calendar
Workers Comp Funds
08-21-13 WCAB Notice of Cancellation
08-24-13 Kyle Re-Request – No Response
Workers Comp stalling
08-25-13 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
08-26-13 Parvin Lodi Memorial Hospital Discharge Instructions
08-27-13 WCAB Notice of Application
09-01-13 Vicki Bridgewater text
09-04-13_AIMS Denial of Benefits
09-09-13 Lodi Memorial Clinics Mary Jean Parvin
09-11-13 TA Power of Attorney for Mary Parvin
09-13-13 Pacific Heart Vascular Mary Parvin
09-14-13 Spezzano
09-20-13 TA to Kyle Hanson Doc Re-Request
9/20/2013 from Rebecca Jackson
Begin forwarded message:From: “Jackson, Rebecca (CDPH-PS-DEODC-EHIB)” <>
Subject: Waste Water Information Packet
Hi Tiffany, Despite a thorough search through our archives, I was not able to find the exact material that Liz sent to John in 1998. However, I did find some updated material related to the occupational hazards of contact with treated wastewater. I’ve attached guidance from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health around wastewater published in 2002. The recommendations for employees working around treated wastewater include employer provision of necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, aprons, boots, and face masks, as well as employee training, and documentation of these procedures in an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (ILPP).
You also expressed concern about exposure to formalin, which is a derivative of formaldehyde. I’ve attached our formaldehyde fact sheet for reference. Your employer should be providing you with material safety data sheets (MSDS’s) when you are working with formalin or other pesticides, and you should be provided with and wearing PPE when applying this or other pesticides.
You mentioned previously contacting Cal/OSHA and I read your email to Cal-EPA. These are the entities I would refer you to, as the California Department of Public Health does not have an enforcement mechanism, and does not conduct routine investigations of workplaces. I hope this additional documentation is helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me again. Best,
Rebecca (Beki) Jackson
CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellow
California Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Investigations Branch &
Occupational Health Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, P-3
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: (510) 620-3649
NIOSH Guidance for Workers Exposed to Class B Biosolids.pdf
HESIS formaldehyde.pdf
January 30, 2016
Attorney Dan Quinn 509 West Weber Ave., 4th Floor Stockton, CA 95203
Regarding: Anderson v. SJC Mosquito & Vector Control District
Charge Number 556-2012-00422
Dear Atty. Quinn:
I am writing you today to request a complete copy of any and all documents of my mediation in the above-referenced case, including any correspondence sent by your office to the EEOC. This mediation was held in your office in October of 2012. Please send these copies to my address as it appears above, as soon as possible.
Conflicts of Interest
From: Tiffany Anderson []
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 8:55 AM
Kyle Hansen
Subject: Fwd: Waste Water Information Packet
Kyle here is the most up to date information I could find regarding some of the data I requested to be present for the upcoming QME appointment. I need a response from you the date is almost four weeks away.
Sincerely, Tiffany Anderson
09-23-13 email From Kyle Hanson
9/23/2013 from Kyle Hansen
I will email you tomorrow everything that I have. Sorry I have been very busy.
Can you email me your email from Friday as well. Don’t worry we will work everything out.
09-23-13 Peter M Gannon Neurology test results
09-26-13 KH Denial of Claim based on statute of limitations
09-26-13 Kyle clarification on QME Allems appointment
09-26-13 Stockwell denial of claim
The file below is 64 pages, please click link to view
09-26-13 Stockwell WCAB to TA
9/23/2013 from Kyle Hansen I will email you tomorrow everything that I have. Sorry I have been very busy.
Can you email me your email from Friday as well. Don’t worry we will work everything out.
09-27-13 Pacific Heart Vascular Mary Parvin
Workers Comp Funds
10-02-13 Parvin Revocable Trust 4th Amendment
10-09-13 Sacramento ASSE Symposium Program
10-09-13 Knee pain
QME Thomas S. Allems, M.D., MPH
Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Toxicology, Internal Medicine
311 California St., #310
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 989-5339
10-10-13 #1 Cancer Presumption Claims Helphrey & Allems Stockwell Conflict of Interest
The QME Evaluator and the Lead Defense denying my claims co-teaching how to deny the very claims I filed
Huge conflict by employer. No penalties for their action. It just stalled my claims for another few years waiting for a new QME
10-10-13 COSIPA Allems & Helphrey Oct 10 & 13 Flyer and Registration
10-11-13 Vector-JPA check for $19.49 gas PQME Allems
10-14-13 #2 Cancer Presumption Claims Allems & Helphrey
10-14-13 Allems Stockwell Conflict of Interest
10-15-13 KH QME Allems 1-23-14
10-16-13 email-copy_responses-to-Kyles-relevance-request_
10-17-13 Exposure Conflict Helphrey & Allems
10-23-13 Stephanie Ebel HELD Ambulatory Orders
10-23-13 Stephanie Ebel Lodi Health
10-23-13 Stephanie Ebel Lodi Memorial Hospital Clinics
10-24-13 To Stockwell cancel QME produce docs
10-28-13 KP After visit summary
10-31-13 Stephanie Ebel Envelope From Lodi Health Fairmont Specialty Care
11-05-13 Dr Cano invites me to say goodbye
03-10-14 (07-23-13) QME Notice Allems 11-06-13_Complaint to CA Bar regarding Eley
Workers Comp Fund
11-06-13 Complaint to CA Bar regarding Eley
11-07-13 Stephanie Ebel Valley P.E.T. Institute Scan Appt
11-08-13 Department of Labor Letter
11-11-13 Letter to EEOC requesting update on Charge No. 556-2012-00422
11-13-13 Aliyah Abdullah-#282927
11-13-13 Abdullah Disengagement
11-13-13 Requesting return to work
11-15-13 Complaint Eck Medical Board supplemental letter
11-15-13 Release Records Eck to Board
11-19-13 District forcing me out
11-19-13 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
11-20-13 email from Stockwell broken promise
11-25-13 Department of Pesticide Regulation Formalin
A big fat lie and disappointment
11-25-13 TA to SJTA not interested
11-26-13 Medical Complaint Unit 8002013001353
11-27-13 Taxpayer president Dave Renison
11-29-13 Response to Grand Jury Report
12-02-13 TA to Stein Thank you
12-03-13 Kyle promises docs by Christmas
12-05-13 DOSH copy sent to district
12-5-13 Grand Jury Denise Mathews
12-06-13 Auditor-Controller including district salaries
12-06-13 Stephanie Ebel Lodi Memorial Hospital Clinics
12-09-13 Jackson-Lewis-Verifying-Tiffany’s-Non-Representation
12-09-13 Notice of Dismissal Aliyah
12-10-13 Docs Needed Before PQME Kyle Hanson
12-11-13 Pacific Vascular Care Dr Stenzler MaryJeans battery needs to be replaced
12-13-13 Eley and bar complaint
12-16-13 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
12-06-13 stephanie-ebel-lodi-memorial-hospital-clinics
12-17-13 Kyle Hanson Doc Re-Request
12-17-13 To Tabaddor Re consider
12-17-13 Lodi Memorial Hospital Congestive Heart Failure Mary Jean Parvin
12-18-13 Lodi Memorial Hospital Mary Jean Parvin
12-20-13 My testimony recording
12-20-13 Present During Interview
12-22-13 Lawrence Schmierer Obituary uncle
12-24-13 Lodi Memorial Hospital Discharge Summary Mary Parvin
MaryJean to Tiffany for Christmas thanking me
12-29-13 KP Professional Bill Summary $2,346.00
12-29-13 Kaiser Medical Terminated collections $2,346.