Links to documents:
JANUARY – My mother is terminal, she died at the end of this year. Stockwell stalled knowing this information and hit me heavy using my loss and pain against me. You took my time away with my mother. District, AIMS, Eley and Stockwell
Ben was my rock. Present and constant. My mother was terminal diagnosed in 2012. My mother rented a room from her mother who was 90, blind, needed rides for dialysis 3 days a week. My mother paid to care for her mother. It was expected from me that I do the same. My son Ben took his life and placed it on hold to be our support from 2012 to 2014 to help care for my mom, my grandma, my cousin MaryJean and myself.
Tuesday, January 14 – Tiffany initiated a meeting with Dr. Freund to discuss the ongoing neglected care of Mary Jean Parvin. To inform all present MaryJean is not capable of caring for herself and non-compliant. Tiffany could not care for MaryJean and again pushed for hospice.
Present Dr Freund, Mary Jean Parvin and Ron Ebel; Tiffany’s dad. All agreed to work together. Doctor appointments must be kept. Tiffany was to be relieved of any responsibility for MaryJean.
MaryJean was not to be sent home anymore without having someone to fulfill all the needs to ensure a safe environment without Tiffany.
MaryJean, Ron and Tiffany asked Dr Freund about the neglected staph infection MRSA and C-dif. Both MaryJean and her sister Shirley were placed in isolation then released to the public repeatedly without informing our family how it transfers. Treated for the same diagnosis as MaryJean her sister had died. Treating toxic viruses and bacteria with antibiotics that were a synergist to the infections and were released back home.
Wrote a document to the EEOC and then left Melinda Tuazon a voicemail message to that effect.
Sunday, January 19 – Vickie Bridgewater and Tiffany attend church next to the Avena house at West Side.
Tuesday, January 21 – Tiffany met with Pastor Julie Sawyer for counseling and she recommended more intense counseling due to the intensity of the many traumas.
Tiffany spoke with Melinda Tuazon at the EEOC
Wednesday, January 22 – Called Grizz Waters and Tiffany met with her on January 23rd. Grizz Waters ran a Christian counseling service on W. Robinhood Drive, Stockton. The meeting probably occurred on Friday, January 24th. Praying to God for healing and strength.
Sunday, January 26 – Mary Jean Parvin is in the hospital and she is completely out of it. Sharon a social worker at Lodi Memorial Hospital says that Mary Jean is not mentally competent and she will call for palliative care.
Monday, January 27 – Tiffany called Mary Jean Parvin at the hospital, Room 262, and Mary Jean Parvin hangs up on her. Tiffany goes to see Mary Jean Parvin at the hospital and she was lucid (she’s back) and on five doses of antibiotics. Released sometime before the next day when Tiffany went to Sacramento.
Tuesday, January 28 – Attended the Eagles concert with Dana in Sacramento. Melanie stayed with Mary Jean Parvin and took her out to buy a birthday present for Tiffany’s dad.
Wednesday, January 30 – Dr. Freund requested physical therapy for Mary Jean Parvin from Elizabeth.
Thursday, January 31 – Mary Jean Parvin has an ultrasound scheduled at Lodi Memorial Hospital but she called them up and had it cancelled
01-01-14 Comparison in Wages Transparent CA versus District’s Own Document
01-01-14 Retaliation Complaint Labor Commissioner
01-01-14 Parvin First Health Payment Coupon Booklet $105.80 Monthly – Unused
01-03-14 Feinstein Reply Deferred me to Gov Brown
01-06-14 Declaration of Readiness to Proceed
01-07-14 Board of Supervisors Communication Agenda Chart
01-07-14 TA to SJC Board Supervisors Agenda Item
01-08-14 Pacific Vascular Care Dr Stenzler MaryJeans Appointment Reminder 12-11-13
1/8/2014 It is not proper to unilaterally cancel a PQME evaluation.
If more time was needed to gather information due to the delay in getting stuff to you I would have
Been willing to Reschedule the appointment.
I am going to reschedule the evaluation for April at the earliest. Do we need a conference at the Stockton WCAB to
Go over what you propose to send to Dr. Allems? If so let me know and I will file for a Conference.
Kyle Hansen
Stockwell Harris Woolverton & Muehl
—–Original Message—–
From: Tiffany Anderson []
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 2:26 PM
To: Kyle Hansen
Subject: PQME cancellation for upcoming appointment January 23, 2014 with Dr. Allems
I phoned Dr. Allems do reschedule the appointment coming up. I was unable to speak with him directly. I left a message on his answering machine. I am following up with this email to you. Please note I am canceling this appointment. This appointment is unnecessary until the evidence to submit is agreed upon.
Tiffany Anderson
01-08-14 Letter to Stockwell Harris RE QME
01-06-14 Tiffany Anderson files for a hearing on Entitlement to temporary disability, or disagreement on amount.
Plaintiff has repeatedly requested fundamental documents from the Defense to prove my exposure claims. A PQME exposure evaluation is now set for January 23, 2014, with Thomas Allems, M.D…..
01-09-14 CalTax CPRA Request On Taxing Powers
01-10-14 San Joaquin County of Supervisors
03-10-14 KH email TA Stockton Sewer
01-11-14 Documents Still Needed for QME from Kyle
01-12-14 California Water Boards
01-13-14 No Violation for after inspection
01-14-14 Anderson Addendum To The EEOC
01-14-14 ERMA Creating Great Workplace Environments Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention
01-15-14 SEIU example of what I asked of Bob Phibbs
01-15-14 County of San Joaquin re_Hazardous Conditions
01-16-14 Mosquito District To Renew White Slough Lease For 20 More Years
01-21-14 Handwritten Notes-Board Continues Medical Coverage – Deadlocked
01-22-14 Jack Fiori another 4 years
01-23-14 Stockton Record Board GJ
01-28-14 Kaiser Professional Bill Summary $2,346.00
01-28-14 Eddie Lucchesi responds to BOS Re Formalin bullet 3
01-29-14 Letter to Eddie asking for work

02-01-14 & 02-04-14
02-03-14 To Bob Phibbs Formalin
02-04-14 MaryJean 911 response I just picked her up from Lodi Memorial Hospital denied care
My father came by the house to pick up a check mailed to MaryJean. He asked her if he could borrow against his inheritance and he would pay her the interest she would lose for withdrawing her mutual fund. They had made this agreement before she was admitted.
My dad stopped at the hospital to see MaryJean and left knowing she was being released home to me. My father picked up his check and left. He returned after the bank refused to cash it for him. I was the only signer on the account. I stopped everything I was doing and cashed his check. I then picked MaryJean up from Lodi Memorial not very happy about all the requirements made of me without my permission.
02-11-14 memo from Eddie to me
02-11-14 02-11-14_Medical Records provided to QME Dr Tabaddor by TA
02-11-14 Tax payers Association Trustee Remuneration
02-11-14 Eddie to TA Memo responding to my letter dated Jan 29 14
02-11-14 TA mails medical records and letter to reconsider claims Dr Tabaddor
02-11-14 TA mails medical records and letter to reconsider claims Dr Tabaddor
02-11-14 Taxpayer’s Association Trustee Remuneration Request
02-12-14 WCAB Minutes of Hearing
02-14-14 SJCERA Dr Baer Rambach
02-17-14 Email to DTSC White Slough Investigation
02-18-14 Authorization for Disclosure of my employment medical records from Dameron
02-18-14 Authorization Kaiser Permanente
02-18-14 Stephanie Ebel Jury Service notice 1
02-20-14 Office Secretary for Vector
02-26-14 EL response to Taxpayer request
02-27-14 KP Professional Bill Summary $2,346.00
02-28-14 Kaiser Receipt Reimbursement
02-28-14 Fax to Tabaddor & Stockwell
02-28-14 To Kyle Hanson Doc Re-Request
02-28-14 Board District Activities Report for Jan Feb
02-28-14 Board Month End Report for Jan and Feb
02-28-14 MVCAC NPDES Permit Coalition
03-03-14 TA To Eddie Re Acts Violating My Rights
03-07-14 San Joaquin County Taxpayers Association
03-07-14 ERMA Certificate Of Completion Sexual Harassment
03-07-14 Mary Jean Close Account Letter Haband
03-07-14 TA to Freund disability confirmation for Electric IGNORED
03-07-14 Board Meeting Information Item 4
03-07-14 Board Meeting Information Item 5
03-08-14 TA to Kyle – Docs before QME
03-08-14 TA Response for Refusal to Request for Employees Documents
03-09-14 Board Meeting Information Item 8 w:attachments
03-09-14 Board Meeting Information
Tiffany Anderson <> wrote:
here is Kyle’s response an empty document titled scanned documents status quo don’t get your hopes up
3/10/2014 from Kyle Hansen
Per your request.
From: []
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 3:45 PM
To: Kyle Hansen
Subject: Scanned Document
[ 6 pages, MSDS label for potassium permanganate]
3/10/2014 You requested a supplemental report from Dr. Tabaddor.
Their office called seeking authorization to review the records.
Attached is my letter of authorization. I did clarify that the only active case is the 2011 case.
The source card number for the Stockton Sewer Plant is 10-1N-6E-18-003.
Kyle Hansen
Stockwell Harris Woolverton & Muehl
03-10-14 Board Meeting Information Item 7
03-10-14 Board of Trustees Agenda # 10 Consideration of Tort Claim
03-10-14 (07-23-13) QME Notice Allems
03-10-14 Kyle to TA Tabaddor and Evidence
03-10-14 Account Letter Mary Jean Mutual of Omaha
03-10-14 Close Account Mary Jean Letter Omaha DR-9134520
03-10-14 Close Account Mutual Omaha 721899-27M Mary Jean
03-10-14 Request for Supplemental Report after Petition to Reopen Tabaddor
3/11/2014 Did I scan a blank page? Sorry.
I am perplexed about your email about settlement given the fact that you just asked Dr. Tabaddor for a supplemental report?
I will see where settlement is but it will not be done tomorrow. Please call me in the morning after 9. Thanks
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
Tiffany Anderson <> wrote:
here is Kyle’s response an empty document titled scanned documents status quo don’t get your hopes up
03-11-14 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
03-11-14 Records Request Response Dameron
03-11-14 Chronic Hypertension Mary Jean Parvin
03-11-14 Lodi Health After Care Plan for Mary Jean Parvin
03-11-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Diabetic Gastroparesis Mary Jean Parvin
03-11-14 Mary Jean Parvin Cellulitis
03-11-14 Mary Jean Parvin Lodi Memorial Hospital Famotidine
03-11-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Doxycycline Bacterial Infections Mary Jean Parvin
03-11-14 ER Admission MaryJean Discharge
03-14-11 Dr Freund Lodi Memorial
03-11-14 Kyle Request no response
03-11-14 Stockwell Appointment letter for QME ALLEMS
03-13-14 U.S. EEOC_Dismissal and Notice of Rights
03-13-14 EEOC Right to Sue expired mom
3-14-14 Petition To Reopen By Applicant
03-14-14 Kaiser Release Medical Records
03-14-14 MaryJean Discharge Lodi Memorial Home Medication Record
03-17-14 Mosquito control board votes to continue health benefits
03-18-14 Complaint Dameron Records
03-19-14 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
03-20-14 Settlement Demand To District 03-20-14 TA Demand to Settle Email
03-21-14 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
03-27-14 Eddie Lucchesi FOIA Reply
03-27-14 Copy Reimbursement Bill from District
03-26-14 & 03-30-14 2 N Avena 911 Calls Log
03-28-14 MaryJean missed appointment at Vine Specialty
03-31-14 Re-Request for documents
03-31-14 MJP life sustaining treatment
04-01-14 AMR 911 Mary Jean fell Dr Stenzler AMR Admitted to Lodi Memorial
04-01-14 MaryJean Medication ER Caregivers pg 15
04-01-14 Discharged from ER 04-02-14
04-02-14 Lodi Memorial Discharge Report 42 pages
04-02-14 Discharge Lodi Memorial Hospital MaryJean EDM Patient Record
04-03-14 Admitted Lodi Memorial Hospital Mary Jean Parvin Plan of Care
04-03-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Cardio Consultation MaryJean
04-03-14 Lodi Memorial Laboratory Summary Mary Parvin
04-03-14 Regulatory Complaint Letter
04-04-14 OSHA Compliant With Formaldehyde-Ignored
04-04-14 Discharge Lodi Memorial Hospital MaryJean MRI Brain Contrast
04-04-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Neurology Consultation MaryJean
04-05-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Progress Notes MaryJean
04-06-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Progress Notes MaryJean
04-07-14 04-05-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Progress Notes MaryJean
04-07-14 Comps for Avena Sale per family meeting MJ Hospice
04-07-15 Comparable Sales For 2 N Avena Statesman Realty
04-08-14 04-05-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Progress Notes MaryJean
04-08-14-maryjean-lodi-memorial-admit-consultation04-08-14 Memo Chris Eley 3 new employees MCT 1
4-10-14 BackupofTimelineDiscoveryDelays4102014ontimelinewhatwasmissingon7.4.15byE
04-10-14 3-10-14 Follow up to close Account Mary Jean Letter Omaha 721899-27
04-11-14 MaryJean Medication Discharge Summary to Arbor
04-11-14 Kaiser Application for Health Care Denied
04-12-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Patients Plan of Care MaryJean
04-14-14 FOIA Expenses for Legal Fees (5 Law Firms)
04-14-14 Email Req to Office of Self Insurance Plans
04-14-14 Labor Commissioner DLSEForm
04-14-14 TA To Eddie Resending 04-14-14 Missing Timesheet
12-15-15 Evidence provided by Stockwell for QME Appointment scan 3 hidden in MSDS stack
04-15-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Ambulatory RX MaryJean
04-15-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Lab Summery of Care MaryJean
04-15-14 MaryJean Medication Discharge Summary 53 pages to Arbor Admit 04-11-14 From Arbor
04-16-14 To Kyle Hanson From Eddie Lucchesi re Whiteslough
04-16-14 To Kyle Hanson From Eddie Lucchesi.timesheets Unsatisfied to date 2-5-16
04-16-14_Lodi Memorial Hospital Progress Note-Psychiatric MJP
04-17-14 Tabaddor 86351-6 Supplemental to 13 pg 11:1:11
04-17-14 Employee Protection Line
04-19-14 14 Lodi Memorial Hospital Discharge Report of MaryJean
04-22-14 email Stockwell MSDS sheets incomplete
04-25-14_SJCERA Disability Retirement Application Summary
04-28-14_KP Professional Bill Summary $2,346.000
04-29-14 TA to Kamala Harris Whistle Blower
05-01-14_DOIR DIV Labor Standards Enforcement Retalaition
05-02-14_Public Information Request
5-07-14_TA $1,004.81 Loss Kaiser
05-09-14_Awarded SJCERA Disability Retirement Summary
05-12-14 Russ Stoddart Form 700 Trustees SRI’s
Letter from Tiffany to MaryJean’s attorney
05-12-14 Tiffany Anderson To Dr Freund Re MaryJean
05-12-14 MaryJean Jury Duty why is her doctor allowing her to drive refer 2010
05-15-14 Tiffany Anderson to Dr Freund Re MaryJean
05-16-14 Billing from Greg Goehring Attorney Letter to Dr Freund
05-21-14 Sub Rosa Harassment to family
05-22-14 Public Records Request
05-23-14 EPA (to be placed soon)
05-27-14 Notice of Rescheduled Hearing
5-28-14 UCSF Packet for long term and short term lodging for Mom
05-30-14_Stephanie Ebel SJC Human Svcs Agency to Retain Medi-Cal
06-04-14 OSHA DOL Inspection Detail Trenton NJ
06-05-14 US Department of Labor Request for 2:19:15 email response to Darlene Miller
06-06-14 Bob Phibbs Reply to my concerns of employees exposure to Formaldehyde
Bob Phibbs
Tiffany Responsible for all of Mary Jean’s accounts
06-06-14 MJP sears8308matercard
06-06-14 MJP Sears3568
06-08-14 Tabaddor 7 Supplemental Report
Retirement is back dated to 3/27/13 but note the year lapse in the award
06-09-14 SJCERA Important Tax & Sick Leave Bank Info 2
06-10-14_Stephanie Ebel Recipes Obtained Online
06-11-14 Human Resources Divison Re Employment
06-14-14_06-24-15_Wages of District Employees
06-15-14 Wrong filing keep on file
06-16-14_Tiffany Court Order To Appear
06-09-14 Damages Brandon Heath Concert $77.50
06-19-14 Request to Kyle for Discovery
06-22-14 Stopped for a photo op at a fruit stand headed to ‘Spirit Coast West’ Loretta, Mel, me and Dana
6-24-14 Confirmation for UCSF with Mom
06-24-14 Parvin Arbor Discharge
06-27-14 Parvin Admission Agreement Arbor Assisted Living
06-27-14 Parvin Arbor Identification and Emergency Info
06-27-14 Arbor Non_Refundable Administrative Fee MaryJean
Parvin – Arbor Rehab Employee Mavis Fewell Phone # and Note – Undated
06-27-14 Parvin form that I refuse to sign
06-27-14 Inventory of Personal Effects
06-28-14_AMR MaryJean
06-28-14 Lodi Memorial Plan of Care Hospital MaryJean’s Medical Services
06-28-14 Lodi Memorial Care Hospital CT Scan MaryJean’s Medical Services
06-28-14 Lodi Memorial Emergency Test Dr Nazish
06-28-14 Lodi Memorial Hospital MaryJean’s Medical Services
06-28-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
06-28-14 Physician’s Orders Lodi Memorial ER MJP
06-28-14 Mary Jean Admitted to Lodi Memorial all days of stay 184 pages
06-29-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
06-30-14 Lodi Memorial Notes MJP
06-30-14 Uncashed check for Allems QME